12 things this generation will change at work

I still laugh when a company owner or executive tells me "No we're different from other companies, we have an open space seating arrangement, we are flexible" and his office is on the executive level all so lavish and posh and most of all secluded from the pack, for he is the leader you see, the owner, the big BOSS.
Don't act surprised or think all this change in our world will not affect your companies or workplaces. This change is heading everywhere.
The generation I am referring to was born between 1990's up to 2005 named millennials and generation Z.
A generation that sets the rules as they go along using the latest tech and social media to exploit their movements and thoughts across the globe in a few days.
What are they like?
- Tech savvy like no other
- Communicate better on sms and social media
- Extremely low attention spans
- Interactive works for them, one way communication does not
- Snapchat is a good idea of how they stay in touch "10 second videos of their life"
- Instagram is history but still a good way to showcase your life
- Read everything that they come across in multi areas
- Reality youtube shows are exposing them to real lives, situations and life
- Cool is no longer a word used unless you're a grandfather
- Selfies rule the stage
- Sarcasm is the norm
- Think that if they didn't make it by 25 they're wasting their life
- Are born with BS detectors and spot it a mile away and will call it in your face! *BS= Bullshit.
Even though this is about them, I will not go into more details about the generations likes and dislikes..although it is a "like", heart and"Favorite" society.
One word of caution to previous generations managing and owning the workplace: You will get a way with your old, silly, nonsense management or baby sitting employees for a few more years maybe but not for long.
Because your ways are outdated, you refused to update a few years back, you still think baby sitting them is the best way, because you think "My way or the highway" works, because you keep incompetent managers that think by warning letters, bashing, firing and hiding behind big bureaucratic bullshit will save the company "Culture" and get things done.
How can a parent who has children that are teens or early twenties and thinks the world of them and boasts how smart and intelligent they are, how you need to talk to them and negotiate on a high intellectual level with them think that other people's children working for him or her are different?
How can you be so selfish? So ridiculously shallow and old school? Just because you didn't do your homework on learn how to deal with them doesn't mean the problem will go away..most probably it is you that will gladly, sadly go away.
12 things the new generation will change once and for all:
1) Bogus orientation programs and company rotation
Although the intention for doing this was for sure a good intentional idea, looking at what really goes on is a funny sight and a great waste of time and resources.
This new generation wants to practice and work on the spot, do things not talk about things, act.. not pretend. They want to get their hands dirty and prove it can be done easier and faster and threats will not stop them.
If your orientation is a joke they will either play a long and use the time to search for another place while making fun of your company on social media platforms you don't know exist.
2) Meetings will become a joke (More than ever before)
These long, management oldies that are used to demonstrate power, turf wars and bad handling of staff time and resources will evaporate.
Do you think this new generation will put up with nonsense the way we did? Do you think they come to work because they have to so they find the greatest things to waste a company's time like meetings?
They aren't born to believe that wasting time is an art the older generation mastered, they have seen, heard and lived their parents meeting stories and laughed at them on snapchat and reality tv. They will fight it day in day out until one day they will say " Remember our boss and his silly meetings! How did he sleep at night?"
So what will they do then? Workers have to discuss things and come to agreements you know: Real time over the phone, as you go along. Agendas will be prepared and ready, only people that need to be online will be there..everyone else doesn't have to suffer.
3) Contracts will be flexible and shorter
When the world admits that each job we take is a gig and is something we do until the next interesting big thing comes along unless it is our business this long, career contract thing will shrink.
Goodbye corporate structure, hello freelancing lifestyle and flexibility. A world where you do what you love, for as long as it takes you or you want.
A world where you hire people based on the 80/20 pareto century old theory, meaning only people that deliver and not the 80% that just hang loose and waste time, like dinosaur managers for example with high unjustified salaries and policy producing subordinates that make sure they cling on as long as possible.
4) FaceTime and video not voice
For real fast interaction and communication video and pictures will be the way this generation will communicate. Phone calls will eventually disappear from the work place. Think about it, everything is getting cheaper due to competition and market disruption.
5) Emails will be replaced by text messages or similar technology
Here I mean they will be legal and there will be no need for email to act upon a job or contract won. Messages will be the new email. It makes sense to them overcomplicating things is lame.
6) Presentations will not take more than 5 minutes
Time will be valued, not exactly how the older generation talks about this young generation in wasting their time. They do waste their time on things they like like games, interaction, fun stuff and activities but they will get the job done faster than you can and time wasted is not during work.
Presentations will be displayed in a company wide social platform having a live feed of interactions from all areas and not just the concerned departments to get a more diverse view on the matter at hand.
People that have longer presentations will be considered for stand-up roles during breaks for some good OLD laughter.
7) Consultants will be younger
Today the usual age of a consultant will usually start at the late 30's onwards and majority in their 40's and 50's. Welcome the new age consultant with an average age of 25.
8) Companies will fund employee start-up ideas
Instead of acting like it's non of my business and we are in the business of so and so, if an employee has an idea he should resign and go find someone to fund their idea they will opt to fund these ideas.
Companies run by younger managers will know the importance of loyalty to their employees and instead of funding other projects outside the company for unknown projects they will refocus on their own people and make a good investment in the process too.
Imagine a company with employees being funded for their ideas as well as their houses and children's school fees and healthcare. Talk about great benefits!
9) Managers will be reviewed for their performance
The new generation will only work for competent managers, not idiots. Therefore the easiest thing is to switch things around and each manager will be reviewed every six months by his employees.
If this manager gets two consecutive bad reviews he is back to the employee lineup and someone else is hired to do her or his job. This will make sure that bad management and treatment will not be tolerated, focus is on the job and not on personal issues.
10) Much more vacation time!
Vacations are something we all love taking and need to take more of. There you have it! The new generation knows that and will actually act upon it.
They know that the best performance is done after a person is relaxed and feeling great so why not have more of that? Why not give your people more vacation time and if they want they can work on whatever it is they are working on from that exotic island..as long as it gets done.
Vacation time will shoot up from 30 days to 120 days at least. Companies attracting new hires will focus on giving more of these PAID vacations.
11) Working outside the company offices will go up
People will be working 80% from home is they want or a favourite corner coffee shop instead of the offices, even if the offices are a playground. Choice matters.
12) Staying at your current job more than 3 years will be bad practice
Attrition rates will shoot up and people will be moving from one gig to the other and when they slow down will be questioned " What's wrong?". When you stick to one place you will be viewed as incompetent or out of sync with the system.
No more will you hear things like why do you keep jumping jobs every five years? Is there something wrong with you? We're sorry we cannot hire someone who is unstable. Forget that thinking!
Now imagine you actually beat them to their game and perfect it by the time they become managers? What an attraction magnet you'll become.
Thanks for your time, wishing you an amazing day full of added value and change to the better.
Mamdooh Al-Radadi, 4th October 2015, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
My next post will have my relaunched site :)
Written by
Mamdooh Al-Radadi
Posted by
Sajid Khan Turri