Change your state, change your life! You can You can Change !
Why should we be interested in state change, our community; our world is becoming more complex, we are becoming more stressed!
What happens when we want to change state, some of the negative action is Drugs Alcohol, and self-harm, fights including verbal abuse, sometimes sex can be harmful if misused!
What is happening when this negative swelling tide in our brain these emotions become unstable erupt into negative forms. When this happens again and again our neurons like wires in a computer become stronger and stronger we have to break the link. Today many turn to drugs alcohol sex to turn off the real world, and try to relax feel at peace just for a moment! That’s the problem; it’s for a moment, in the case of drugs and alcohol shortly after problems arise! These may include car accident fights misuse of sex, psychotic behaviour seeing and hearing that which is not there, or unseen stimuli, depression is almost always a result of drug misuse!
People resort to such thing as self-medication, as they are possible experiencing mental pain including, but not limited to depression and psychosis!
Others are bored want to experience something new, only to have deleterious effect on their brain and behaviour.
Some become addicted quickly to street drugs and or alcohol, which may have long lasting psychiatric complications.
State change is good, when you are the one in control! Those that are best at controlling their state are stronger mentally, and can become achievers and doers in any field they choose, they become strong mentally and are self-motivated!
If you want to change from the drudgeries of taking drugs or alcohol or cigarette smoking,
Repeat after me out loud then in your mind ‘that’s not me, I am better than that!’
We should also look at the behaviour that arises from drug and alcohol in the wider sense to the community and the individual. When alcohol for example is consumed by an individual not only are they becoming addicted there is a fair chance if they are female they will have a child foetal alcohol syndrome, really this is brain damage to the baby! In the same way taking drugs can also call brain damage in babies! This can cause a dreadful disadvantage to the child, and can be pervasive in some communities. Often these children continue themselves to take drugs! This can lead to psychosis, aggressive -behaviour and an entrenched mental illness!
I cannot express too much on the way the young are influenced by adults who take drugs or drink alcohol. The influence as example of a cool strong outgoing individual appearing to love life! A child or young adolescent will idolise such a person, and start to smoke drink or take drugs!
‘I don't take drugs I have a social responsibility to be a role model!’
So we can see if we want a better result for our children we are all partly responsible. It starts with a simple desire for change, to say no to drugs!
Of course not all countries are the same there are different laws regarding advertising of alcohol and smoking! When private companies try to glamorise these activities and use technologies to state change our brain or our feeling! Examples of state change are glamorous women associated with drinking alcohol or smoking, or excitement and intrigue. What the promoter of these products is doing effectively is planting images feeling in our brain associated with the product, in this case an addictive poisonous substance that goes through the brain blood barrier. In this case alcohol and smoking, the brain blood barrier is designed basically to keep the brain clean of toxins!
So in sense people are being at the very least cajoled into beliefs systems that are not true, some might say hypnotized into taking these harmful substances for the profit of large multinational businesses!
‘I will not be fooled by those that seek to make a profit on my health!’
As it is we find that all drugs target the brain's reward system, it is true some individuals feel more rewarded than others due to multifactorial influences culture genetics ,and depression can play a part. How does this happen. We know the brain is full of neurotransmitter, like a computer circuit. A particular chemical called dopamine which as neurotransmitter regulates the brain's pleasure centres, unfortunately as with all things there is a consequence the brain tones down the amount of receptors to dopamine, and in a nutshell that is how addiction happens!!The brain almost screams let me have more, and the individual will invariably do anything to get the drug!
‘I won't let my brain become tolerant anymore, I say no to drugs. I am better than that!’
Ok I can hear some of you say ‘I don't take drugs what about state change!’
The point is that state change is possible by thought alone, it is possible to change how we feel; all humans can improve their ability to state change, and can get better at doing this!
The clue is how advertisers try and get you to smoke or drink they rely on a state a feeling to get you started!
Once you realize this and your subconscious absorbs this information it become very difficult for you to do those things you feel you would rather not do !
State Change NOW!

What happens when we want to change state, some of the negative action is Drugs Alcohol, and self-harm, fights including verbal abuse, sometimes sex can be harmful if misused!
What is happening when this negative swelling tide in our brain these emotions become unstable erupt into negative forms. When this happens again and again our neurons like wires in a computer become stronger and stronger we have to break the link. Today many turn to drugs alcohol sex to turn off the real world, and try to relax feel at peace just for a moment! That’s the problem; it’s for a moment, in the case of drugs and alcohol shortly after problems arise! These may include car accident fights misuse of sex, psychotic behaviour seeing and hearing that which is not there, or unseen stimuli, depression is almost always a result of drug misuse!
People resort to such thing as self-medication, as they are possible experiencing mental pain including, but not limited to depression and psychosis!
Others are bored want to experience something new, only to have deleterious effect on their brain and behaviour.
Some become addicted quickly to street drugs and or alcohol, which may have long lasting psychiatric complications.
State change is good, when you are the one in control! Those that are best at controlling their state are stronger mentally, and can become achievers and doers in any field they choose, they become strong mentally and are self-motivated!
If you want to change from the drudgeries of taking drugs or alcohol or cigarette smoking,
Repeat after me out loud then in your mind ‘that’s not me, I am better than that!’
We should also look at the behaviour that arises from drug and alcohol in the wider sense to the community and the individual. When alcohol for example is consumed by an individual not only are they becoming addicted there is a fair chance if they are female they will have a child foetal alcohol syndrome, really this is brain damage to the baby! In the same way taking drugs can also call brain damage in babies! This can cause a dreadful disadvantage to the child, and can be pervasive in some communities. Often these children continue themselves to take drugs! This can lead to psychosis, aggressive -behaviour and an entrenched mental illness!
Say these words
‘I don't take drugs that is not like me!’
I cannot express too much on the way the young are influenced by adults who take drugs or drink alcohol. The influence as example of a cool strong outgoing individual appearing to love life! A child or young adolescent will idolise such a person, and start to smoke drink or take drugs!
Say now! Out loud and in your mind!
‘I don't take drugs I have a social responsibility to be a role model!’
So we can see if we want a better result for our children we are all partly responsible. It starts with a simple desire for change, to say no to drugs!
Of course not all countries are the same there are different laws regarding advertising of alcohol and smoking! When private companies try to glamorise these activities and use technologies to state change our brain or our feeling! Examples of state change are glamorous women associated with drinking alcohol or smoking, or excitement and intrigue. What the promoter of these products is doing effectively is planting images feeling in our brain associated with the product, in this case an addictive poisonous substance that goes through the brain blood barrier. In this case alcohol and smoking, the brain blood barrier is designed basically to keep the brain clean of toxins!
So in sense people are being at the very least cajoled into beliefs systems that are not true, some might say hypnotized into taking these harmful substances for the profit of large multinational businesses!
Say out loud and in your mind!
‘I will not be fooled by those that seek to make a profit on my health!’
As it is we find that all drugs target the brain's reward system, it is true some individuals feel more rewarded than others due to multifactorial influences culture genetics ,and depression can play a part. How does this happen. We know the brain is full of neurotransmitter, like a computer circuit. A particular chemical called dopamine which as neurotransmitter regulates the brain's pleasure centres, unfortunately as with all things there is a consequence the brain tones down the amount of receptors to dopamine, and in a nutshell that is how addiction happens!!The brain almost screams let me have more, and the individual will invariably do anything to get the drug!
Repeat after me and in your mind!
‘I won't let my brain become tolerant anymore, I say no to drugs. I am better than that!’
Ok I can hear some of you say ‘I don't take drugs what about state change!’
The point is that state change is possible by thought alone, it is possible to change how we feel; all humans can improve their ability to state change, and can get better at doing this!
The clue is how advertisers try and get you to smoke or drink they rely on a state a feeling to get you started!
Once you realize this and your subconscious absorbs this information it become very difficult for you to do those things you feel you would rather not do !
State Change NOW!